Extracting meta-features by group

In this example, we will show you how to select different meta-features groups.

# Load a dataset
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from pymfe.mfe import MFE

data = load_iris()
y = data.target
X = data.data


These are the most simple measures for extracting general properties of the datasets. For instance, nr_attr and nr_class are the total number of attributes in the dataset and the number of output values (classes) in the dataset, respectively. The following examples illustrate these measures:

Extract all general measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["general"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
attr_to_inst                                                  0.02666666666666667
cat_to_num                                                                    0.0
freq_class.mean                                                0.3333333333333333
freq_class.sd                                                                 0.0
inst_to_attr                                                                 37.5
nr_attr                                                                         4
nr_bin                                                                          0
nr_cat                                                                          0
nr_class                                                                        3
nr_inst                                                                       150
nr_num                                                                          4
num_to_cat                                                                    nan

Extract only two general measures

mfe = MFE(features=["nr_attr", "nr_class"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
nr_attr                                                                         4
nr_class                                                                        3


Statistical meta-features are the standard statistical measures to describe the numerical properties of a distribution of data. As it requires only numerical attributes, the categorical data are transformed to numerical. For instance, cor_cor and skewness are the absolute correlation between of each pair of attributes and the skewness of the numeric attributes in the dataset, respectively. The following examples illustrate these measures:

Extract all statistical measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["statistical"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
can_cor.mean                                                   0.7280089563896481
can_cor.sd                                                     0.3631869233645244
cor.mean                                                        0.594116025760156
cor.sd                                                         0.3375443182856702
cov.mean                                                       0.5966542132736764
cov.sd                                                         0.5582672431248462
eigenvalues.mean                                               1.1432392617449672
eigenvalues.sd                                                 2.0587713015069764
g_mean.mean                                                    3.2230731578977903
g_mean.sd                                                      2.0229431040263726
gravity                                                        3.2082811597489393
h_mean.mean                                                    2.9783891110628673
h_mean.sd                                                       2.145948231748242
iq_range.mean                                                  1.7000000000000002
iq_range.sd                                                    1.2754084313139324
kurtosis.mean                                                 -0.8105361276250795
kurtosis.sd                                                    0.7326910069728161
lh_trace                                                       32.477316568194915
mad.mean                                                                1.0934175
mad.sd                                                         0.5785781994035033
max.mean                                                        5.425000000000001
max.sd                                                         2.4431878083083722
mean.mean                                                      3.4645000000000006
mean.sd                                                         1.918485079431164
median.mean                                                    3.6125000000000003
median.sd                                                       1.919364043982624
min.mean                                                       1.8499999999999999
min.sd                                                         1.8083141320025125
nr_cor_attr                                                                   0.5
nr_disc                                                                         2
nr_norm                                                                       1.0
nr_outliers                                                                     1
p_trace                                                         1.191898822470078
range.mean                                                     3.5750000000000006
range.sd                                                       1.6500000000000001
roy_root                                                       32.191925524310506
sd.mean                                                        0.9478670787835934
sd.sd                                                          0.5712994109375844
sd_ratio                                                       1.2708666438750897
skewness.mean                                                 0.06273198447775732
skewness.sd                                                   0.29439896290757683
sparsity.mean                                                  0.0287147773948895
sparsity.sd                                                  0.011032357470087495
t_mean.mean                                                    3.4705555555555554
t_mean.sd                                                      1.9048021402275979
var.mean                                                       1.1432392617449665
var.sd                                                         1.3325463926454557
w_lambda                                                     0.023438633222267347

Extract only two statistical measures

mfe = MFE(features=["can_cor", "cor", "iq_range"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
can_cor.mean                                                   0.7280089563896481
can_cor.sd                                                     0.3631869233645244
cor.mean                                                        0.594116025760156
cor.sd                                                         0.3375443182856702
iq_range.mean                                                  1.7000000000000002
iq_range.sd                                                    1.2754084313139324

Information theory

Information theory meta-features are particularly appropriate to describe discrete (categorical) attributes, but they also fit continuous ones using a discretization process. These measures are based on information theory. For instance, class_ent and mut_inf are the entropy of the class and the common information shared between each attribute and the class in the dataset, respectively. The following examples illustrate these measures:

Extract all info-theory measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["info-theory"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
attr_conc.mean                                                0.20980476831180148
attr_conc.sd                                                   0.1195879817732128
attr_ent.mean                                                  2.2771912775084115
attr_ent.sd                                                   0.06103943244855649
class_conc.mean                                               0.27347384133126745
class_conc.sd                                                 0.14091096327223987
class_ent                                                       1.584962500721156
eq_num_attr                                                    1.8780672345507194
joint_ent.mean                                                 3.0182209990602855
joint_ent.sd                                                   0.3821875549207214
mut_inf.mean                                                   0.8439327791692818
mut_inf.sd                                                     0.4222019352579773
ns_ratio                                                        1.698308838945616

Extract only two info-theo measures

mfe = MFE(features=["class_ent", "mut_inf"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
class_ent                                                       1.584962500721156
mut_inf.mean                                                   0.8439327791692818
mut_inf.sd                                                     0.4222019352579773


These measures describe characteristics of the investigated models. These meta-features can include, for example, the description of the Decision Tree induced for a dataset, like its number of leaves (leaves) and the number of nodes (nodes) of the tree. The following examples illustrate these measures:

Extract all model-based measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["model-based"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
leaves                                                                          9
leaves_branch.mean                                             3.7777777777777777
leaves_branch.sd                                               1.2018504251546631
leaves_corrob.mean                                             0.1111111111111111
leaves_corrob.sd                                              0.15051762539834182
leaves_homo.mean                                                37.46666666666667
leaves_homo.sd                                                 13.142298124757328
leaves_per_class.mean                                          0.3333333333333333
leaves_per_class.sd                                           0.22222222222222224
nodes                                                                           8
nodes_per_attr                                                                2.0
nodes_per_inst                                                0.05333333333333334
nodes_per_level.mean                                                          1.6
nodes_per_level.sd                                             0.8944271909999159
nodes_repeated.mean                                            2.6666666666666665
nodes_repeated.sd                                              1.5275252316519465
tree_depth.mean                                                3.0588235294117645
tree_depth.sd                                                  1.4348601079588785
tree_imbalance.mean                                           0.19491705385114738
tree_imbalance.sd                                             0.13300709991513865
tree_shape.mean                                                0.2708333333333333
tree_shape.sd                                                 0.10711960313126631
var_importance.mean                                                          0.25
var_importance.sd                                             0.44925548152944056

Extract only two model-based measures

mfe = MFE(features=["leaves", "nodes"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
leaves                                                                          9
nodes                                                                           8


Landmarking measures are simple and fast algorithms, from which performance characteristics can be extracted. These measures include the performance of simple and efficient learning algorithms like Naive Bayes (naive_bayes) and 1-Nearest Neighbor (one_nn). The following examples illustrate these measures:

Extract all landmarking measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["landmarking"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
best_node.mean                                                 0.6666666666666667
best_node.sd                                               1.1702778228589004e-16
elite_nn.mean                                                  0.9400000000000001
elite_nn.sd                                                   0.05837300238472753
linear_discr.mean                                              0.9800000000000001
linear_discr.sd                                               0.04499657051403685
naive_bayes.mean                                               0.9533333333333334
naive_bayes.sd                                                0.04499657051403685
one_nn.mean                                                                  0.96
one_nn.sd                                                     0.05621826951410451
random_node.mean                                               0.6666666666666667
random_node.sd                                             1.1702778228589004e-16
worst_node.mean                                                0.5533333333333333
worst_node.sd                                                  0.0773001205818937

Extract only two landmarking measures

mfe = MFE(features=["one_nn", "naive_bayes"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
naive_bayes.mean                                               0.9533333333333334
naive_bayes.sd                                                0.04499657051403685
one_nn.mean                                                                  0.96
one_nn.sd                                                     0.05621826951410451

Relative Landmarking

Relative Landmarking measures are simple and fast algorithms, from which performance characteristics can be extracted. But different from landmarking, a rank is returned where the best performance is the first ranked and the worst the last one ranked.

Extract all relative landmarking measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["relative"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
best_node.mean.relative                                                       2.5
best_node.sd.relative                                                         1.5
elite_nn.mean.relative                                                        4.0
elite_nn.sd.relative                                                          6.5
linear_discr.mean.relative                                                    7.0
linear_discr.sd.relative                                                      3.5
naive_bayes.mean.relative                                                     5.0
naive_bayes.sd.relative                                                       3.5
one_nn.mean.relative                                                          6.0
one_nn.sd.relative                                                            5.0
random_node.mean.relative                                                     2.5
random_node.sd.relative                                                       1.5
worst_node.mean.relative                                                      1.0
worst_node.sd.relative                                                        6.5

Subsampling Landmarking

Subsampling Landmarking measures are simple and fast algorithms, from which performance characteristics can be extracted. Nevertheless, different from landmarking, the performance is computed from a subsample of dataset.

Extract all subsampling landmarking measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["landmarking"], lm_sample_frac=0.7)
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
best_node.mean                                                 0.6754545454545454
best_node.sd                                                 0.051967709123569066
elite_nn.mean                                                  0.9045454545454547
elite_nn.sd                                                    0.0902246965512691
linear_discr.mean                                               0.990909090909091
linear_discr.sd                                               0.02874797872880346
naive_bayes.mean                                               0.9427272727272727
naive_bayes.sd                                                0.06542227038166469
one_nn.mean                                                    0.9627272727272727
one_nn.sd                                                     0.04819039374799481
random_node.mean                                               0.4445454545454545
random_node.sd                                                0.10518687729554597
worst_node.mean                                                0.6109090909090907
worst_node.sd                                                 0.08395634879634749


Clustering measures are based in clusteing algorithm, and clustering correlation and dissimilarity measures.

Extract all clustering based measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["clustering"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
ch                                                             487.33087637489984
int                                                             3.322592586185653
nre                                                            1.0986122886681096
pb                                                              -0.68004959585269
sc                                                                              0
sil                                                             0.503477440693296
vdb                                                            0.7513707094756737
vdu                                                        2.3392212858877218e-05


Concept measures estimate the variability of class labels among examples and the examples density.

Extract all concept measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["concept"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
cohesiveness.mean                                               67.10333333333334
cohesiveness.sd                                                 5.355733510152213
conceptvar.mean                                                 0.495358313970321
conceptvar.sd                                                 0.07796805526728046
impconceptvar.mean                                                          42.61
impconceptvar.sd                                                5.354503216731368
wg_dist.mean                                                   0.4620901765870531
wg_dist.sd                                                    0.05612193762635788


The Itemset computes the correlation between binary attributes.

Extract all itemset measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["itemset"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
one_itemset.mean                                                              0.2
one_itemset.sd                                                0.04993563108104261
two_itemset.mean                                                             0.32
two_itemset.sd                                                 0.0851125499534728


The complexity measures estimate the difficulty in separating the data points into their expected classes.

Extract all complexity measures

mfe = MFE(groups=["complexity"])
mfe.fit(X, y)
ft = mfe.extract()
print("\n".join("{:50} {:30}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(ft[0], ft[1])))
c1                                                             0.9999999999999998
c2                                                                            0.0
cls_coef                                                       0.2674506351402339
density                                                        0.8329306487695749
f1.mean                                                        0.2775641932566493
f1.sd                                                          0.2612622587707819
f1v.mean                                                     0.026799629786085716
f1v.sd                                                        0.03377041736533042
f2.mean                                                     0.0063817663817663794
f2.sd                                                        0.011053543615254369
f3.mean                                                       0.12333333333333334
f3.sd                                                         0.21361959960016152
f4.mean                                                      0.043333333333333335
f4.sd                                                         0.07505553499465135
hubs.mean                                                      0.7822257352122133
hubs.sd                                                        0.3198336185970707
l1.mean                                                      0.004338258439810357
l1.sd                                                        0.007514084034116028
l2.mean                                                      0.013333333333333345
l2.sd                                                        0.023094010767585053
l3.mean                                                      0.003333333333333336
l3.sd                                                        0.005773502691896263
lsc                                                            0.8166666666666667
n1                                                            0.10666666666666667
n2.mean                                                       0.19814444191641126
n2.sd                                                         0.14669333921747651
n3.mean                                                                      0.06
n3.sd                                                          0.2382824447791588
n4.mean                                                                       0.0
n4.sd                                                                         0.0
t1.mean                                                      0.007092198581560285
t1.sd                                                        0.002283518026238616
t2                                                            0.02666666666666667
t3                                                           0.013333333333333334
t4                                                                            0.5

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.720 seconds)

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